Code of Regulations of the
Princeton Music Boosters, Inc.
Article 1 Name
The name of this Corporation shall be PRINCETON MUSIC BOOSTERS, INC.
Article 2 Purpose
The purpose of this Corporation shall be to support, enhance and supplement in every way possible the music education of the students of the Princeton City School District.
Article 3 Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall consist of the officers of this Corporation, the immediate Past-President and the Coordinator of the Princeton City School District Music Department or his or her designee, serving on a volunteer basis without compensation.
Article 4 Offices
The offices of this Corporation shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Each office shall be held by an individual who shall serve a term of one school year. An officer may be re-elected to serve another term, but shall not hold the same office for more than four consecutive terms.
Should no one choose to run for a specific office and if the current officer is willing to continue in that capacity, then during the election of officers for the upcoming school year, it is assumed that a variance to these Code of Regulations is passed allowing said individual to hold the same position for longer than 4 consecutive terms.
Election to the offices shall take place in May of the year preceding the term of office. A Nominating Committee of three (3) Corporation members shall be appointed by the President in March or April preceding the May election. This committee shall present a ticket for the offices of Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary at the May meeting at which time other nominations for these offices may be in order from the floor. The office of President shall be filled by the immediate Past Vice-President/President Elect. If said Vice-President is unable to fill the office of President, then nominations from the floor will be in order. Election shall be by a majority vote of the members present at the close of old business at the May meeting.
A vacancy occurring in the office of Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary shall be filled by a nomination and vote of the members of the Corporation at the next regular meeting by a single majority of the members present and voting.
A vacancy occurring in the office of President shall be filled by nomination and a majority vote of the members present at the meeting following the announcement of the vacancy.
Article 5 Duties of the Officers
PRESIDENT – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation and of the Executive Committee; be a Trustee of the Corporation; a member of the Executive Committee; Chairperson of the Budget Committee; an ex officio member of all committees, except the Nominating committee; and perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office of President. The RETIRING PRESIDENT shall act in an advisory capacity; remain as a Trustee of the Corporation, and member of the Executive Committee.
VICE-PRESIDENT – The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence; succeed to the office of the President should it become vacant during the calendar year and to the office of President in the coming year; be a Trustee of the Corporation; a member of the Executive Committee; act as an aid to the President, and perform such other duties as the needs arise.
TREASURER – The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate set of financial records of the business of the Corporation; present a statement of accounts at every regular meeting of the Corporation, conduct all banking Business of the Corporation, such as the deposit of monies into the checking and savings accounts. The Treasurer shall be a Trustee of the Corporation and a member of the Executive Committee.
The Financial Records of the Corporation shall be subject to annual audits by an Auditing Committee of not less than three (3) members of the Corporation who will present a report to the Corporation at the September meeting.
SECRETARY – The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting and report to the Corporation at the next regular meeting; handle all correspondence pertaining to the Corporation business; be a trustee of the Corporation; and a member of the Executive Committee.
Limitation of Authority
No individual Officer of Trustee of the Corporation shall contract or incur any debt; enter into any agreement or otherwise obligate this Corporation except by prior authorization of a majority of members present at a regularly scheduled or special meeting.
Article 6 Meetings
The Music Boosters will meet 7 times during the school year. The months, times, and agenda will be determined by the Executive Committee.
Article 7 Annual Budget
An annual budget shall be prepared by the Finance Committee and the Director of Princeton music or their designee, for the coming fiscal year, July 1 to June 30. The Annual Budget shall be approved by a majority of the members present and voting at the May meeting.
Article 8 Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, the immediate Past President of the Corporation, and the Coordinator of the Princeton City School District Music Department or his/her designee.
The Executive Committee shall transact all necessary business of the Corporation between regular meetings; all other business referred to it by the Corporation, and approve the plans and work of any Committee. The Executive Committee may authorize expenditures not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) by a majority of those present and voting without approval of the Corporation.
Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or a majority of the Committee. The Secretary shall record and report the minutes of Committee meetings to the Corporation at the next regular meeting.
Article 9 Membership and Sponsorship
Membership and sponsorship shall be open to any person or entity interested in the welfare of the musical programs established by the Princeton City School District. Voting members shall be those members who have paid dues to the Corporation. All membership shall be for one year.
Article 10 Standing and Special Committees
The following committees are appointed and duties assigned by the President:
- Concessions/Fundraisers: Oversees StarGram table prior to concerts, general operations at football concessions (including but not limited to ordering of food and drinks for sale at the games, feeding of the band, requesting & organizing volunteers to staff the stands, etc), and other various fundraisers as needed. Shall give verbal reports at each meeting
- Membership: Oversees the organization, tracking and acknowledgement of the Corporation's membership annually. Shall give reports at each meeting verbally or in written form.
- Publicity: Oversees the social media, the website and other advertisement opportunities of the Corporation. Shall give reports at each meeting verbally or in written form.
- Advocacy: Seeks out opportunities to apply for awards and recognition that will show the importance of music in the lives of Princeton’s students and to position the Corporation and subsequently Princeton Music, to be indispensable. Shall give reports at each meeting verbally or in written form.
- Programs: Oversees the gathering of information for and creation of the programs needed for each concert/performance. This includes both uploading the program to the online system as well as getting the printed copies made.
- Finance: The Finance Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer and consist of all four Officers of the Corporation plus one additional member in good standing, preferably with some finance experience. The Finance Committee is responsible for the overall financial health of the Corporation. Its duties will include but are not limited to preparing the annual budget, overseeing the investments of the Corporation, corresponding and/or meeting with the financial advisor of those investments throughout the year as needed, determining the proper amount of money to be left in operating accounts vs the investment account, conducting audits of the Corporation as deemed necessary, and evaluating whether income sources are adequate to sustain the Corporation’s mission and goals. They will meet as a group when deemed necessary and/or present updates to the Corporation throughout the school year.
- Volunteers: Works with music director of event to determine the need. Creates sign-ups for functions and assists in gathering the needed volunteers, including but not limited to Booster table, concessions and special events. Shall give reports at each meeting verbally or in written form.
Each Committee Chairperson shall submit a verbal or written report to be retained in the Corporation’s records, along with a record of workers. Other Committees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the officers, as required to promote the purposes and interest of the Corporation.
Article 11 Amendments
Amendments to this Code of Regulations shall be proposed by written resolution to be read at the regular meeting prior to the meeting at which it is voted on. A two-thirds vote shall be required of the members present and voting for passage.
Article 12 Rules of Order
All meetings of this Corporation shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order-Revised where they are not inconsistent with this Code of Regulations.
Adopted 4th day of November, 1998
Revised 8th day of October, 2018
Princeton Music Boosters:
President: Jodi Kessler
Vice-President: Matt Gardner
Treasurer: Wendy Lindsey-Head
Secretary: Karin Benjamin
Revised 17th day of January , 2023
Princeton Music Boosters:
President: Tom D. Benjamin, Sr
Vice-President: Wendy Lindsey
Treasurer: Marcia Asari
Secretary: Tish Jones
Our Sponsors